Thane Mar Thoma Edavaka Mission

Parish Representative : Mr. Raji Oommen      Mob: + 91 98694 79015
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The spiritual renewal in the Church, which was the offspring of reformation has created a yearning in believers to present the Gospel to others. It was realized that this could not be fully achieved by the services of a few full time evangelists. On the other hand every member of the Church should be a missionary filled with such joy and assurance of salvation as to be Christ’s witness to those who come into contact with him, irrespective of one’s profession in secular life. Such people have the opportunity to come into contact with others in ordinary human situations and to communicate the Gospel message in a natural setting.

Believers interested in evangelistic and intercessory activities used to assemble periodically for prayer and fellowship. It was in the annual meeting of such a gathering in 1924, the present Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association got formed. Bishop Abraham Mar Thoma was the ardent supporter of this movement and Titus II Mar Thoma Metropolitan sent a circular to all parishes encouraging the formation of branches of the Association. Rev. C. P. Philipose Kassisa was the first president, Sadhu Kochu Kunju the secretary and Kolakottu John Upadesi the traveling secretary.

The object of this association is that every member of the Church should be a witness to Jesus Christ, whatever his occupation may be. Those who volunteer to be members of the Association meet together in each parish at least once a week for fellowship, intercessory prayer, Bible study and sharing experiences. Then they go out and contact those who work with them and share the Gospel. They help with various services in the parish, such as the Sunday school, youth fellowships, and cottage prayer meetings. They visit the sick and the needy and give spiritual fellowship and material help to them. They work for reconciliation where people are estranged form one another. They also seek opportunity to convey the message of the Gospel to non-Christian friends.

Where such groups are active, the parishes experience joy and spiritual power. The vicars encourage and strengthen them by helping them with Bible study and giving leadership in other ways.

The Thane Marthoma Edavaka mission at present has about 150 registered members. Meetings are being conducted on every 2nd Sunday of the Month at the residence of our members or at church. Bible reading , Sharing the Gospel , witness , prayers are the main program of the meeting.

Conducting prayer meetings, spreading the Gospel, visit to sick and aged, helping the needy are the important activities of the Edavaka Mission.

Designation Name Email
President Rev. Thomas K. Mathew
Vice President George Samuel
Secretary Raji Oommen
Treasurer Cherian Mathews